Basic Certification Level

Basic Level Requirements

The Basic Level Certification is the minimum requirement for members who can accept a deployment assignment. This includes serving as a Net Control Operator or Alternate Net Control Operator.

Education Requirements

There are four Independent Study Courses required. These courses are available online through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

You must have a FEMA Student ID number and be registered as a student in the system before you can take the final exam for each course.

Most members are able to complete all four courses in a weekend. Upon passing the final exam, you will be notified via email and given a link to download your certificate of completion for that study session.

Courses Required: IS-100, 200, 700 and 800. The most revisions are available on the FEMA website. If you have completed these courses previously, depending upon which revision (IS-100, 100a, ect) We may request you retake the course to the current version. That is made on a case by case basis.


Your Basic Level task sheet will have four items in this category.


This category has four items to be completed.

This is the page for Basic Level tasks to be completed. It is contained in your Standardized Position Task Book. When you apply for ARES membership and complete the Online Registration Form (FSD-98) online, you will receive a welcome email from either the EC or the Training AEC.

Your task book will be personalized for you and sent as a PDF document. This book is your training record in ARES. You will keep your copy for your records and the Training AEC will maintain electronic copies of all completed items and certificates that you forward to him/her.

At each monthly meeting assistance is available on your task book. Or you may contact the Training AEC directly with questions. That information will be in your welcome email that you receive.