ARES Training Requirements

Training Requirements

The TN Section has implemented training requirements for ARES members effective January 1, 2018.

The changing dynamics of emergency communications in support of served agencies brings these new requirements. No longer is having a amateur radio license and a working station all that is needed.

ARES members may be assigned to work alongside local emergency management, public safety, state and federal agencies during an active situation. We are expected to maintain expertise in the Incident Command System and the National Incident Management System.

Served volunteer agencies such as the Red Cross and The Salvation Army also follow federal guidelines under ICS and NIMS.

Training in all of the critical areas are available through your attendance at meetings. Specialized training in various tasks such as Net Control Operators, Local Damage Assessment Team Members, Logistics, AuxComm, Shelter Operations and Communications, EOC and Incident Command Post Operations, Exercise Planning and Evaluation and Field Operations.

Instructors from various local, state and federal agencies work with us to provide training programs. But, the individual ARES member is urged to further their education on a continuing basis.

Specific training requirements are addressed under a sub menu by holding your mouse pointer over the menu item “Training Requirements” on the top menu.

Specific questions on training mandates or content will be answered by the ARES Staff Members. Contact them via the email button on the bottom of this page.